Basic Facts about Hemorrhoids
- Difficult bowel movements (excess straining)
- Constipation (hard stool)
- Prolonged sitting (occupational hazard in the majority of cases)
- Diarrhea (when it occurs too frequently)
- Pregnancy (the growing fetus presses on the blood vessels, causing them to become inflamed and painful)
- Excessive usage of laxatives
- Diseases of the rectum (infection or inflammation)
- Heredity (genetic inheritance).
According to their location, the hemorrhoids can be classified into two main categories:
Internal hemorrhoids
- Located at the beginning of the rectum (inside the anus)
- Cannot be seen during the physical examination
- If these hemorrhoids push through the anus, they become known as external hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids
- Located under the skin around the anal area
- It is possible that the inflamed external hemorrhoids are palpated during the physical examination (depending on the severity of the inflammation, they can also be seen with the naked eye)
- Among the symptoms that they can cause, there are:
- Pain/discomfort
- Itchiness
- Bleeding
- Complication – clotting at the level of the hemorrhoids, which leads to thrombosis and severe pain in the respective area.
Do Hemorrhoids go away?
Unfortunately, one cannot say for certain if the hemorrhoids are going to disappear or not. Sometimes, the only solution is represented by the surgical intervention, as the patient suffers from intense pain. It is important to understand that the hemorrhoids can cause pressure on the rectal veins, leading to subsequent inflammation and other symptoms (such as pain, discomfort, tenderness and itchiness). As long as the pressure on the rectal veins is present, so will the rest of the symptoms.
Like in many other medical conditions, there are a number of factors that can influence the healing process (and its duration), such as the size and location of the hemorrhoids. In general, the flare-ups solve within a period of two weeks. It should be noted that the hemorrhoids which are smaller in size or located internally usually heal faster (flare-up symptoms disappear within one week). However, if it happens that the hemorrhoids are external, the healing process might be extended to as far as two months. It is obvious that any complication, such as the local thrombosis, will add to the already existent healing time (three months or more).
The first flare-up also has the tendency to heal faster. However, each flare-up is a sign that the condition has become worse, situation in which the healing definitely takes longer. Recurrent hemorrhoids are often encountered in those who continue to repeat the same mistakes that caused such problems in the first place.
It is common for pregnant women to suffer from hemorrhoids, as the growing fetus presses on the rectal veins, causing them to become inflamed and painful. Apart from that, one might also suffer from constant itchiness at the level of the anal area. In general, the symptoms are improved once the baby is born and there is no longer pressure applied to the rectal veins.
Keeping Hemorrhoids Under Control
It is possible to keep the hemorrhoids and reduce the intensity of the symptoms experienced. There is medication that you can take for such purposes and also natural remedies that you are welcomed to try. If you do not succeed in obtaining relief from the hemorrhoids using the below-suggested methods, be sure to contact a doctor and request his/her professional advice.
First and foremost, you have to pay attention your habits. Keep in mind that there are certain things that can make matters worse, such as wiping excessively or straining too hard. When it comes to the wiping process, you should either moisten the toilet paper with cleansing liquid or use baby wipes. No matter how tempted you might be to use perfumed soap in the area, refrain from doing that, as you will only cause further irritation. You can also consider using the bidet, drying yourself afterwards gently with a soft towel.
If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in the anal area, you can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. This treatment will not only bring your relief from the pain but it will also reduce the inflammation. In the situation that the discomfort is quite intense, you can consider cold applications (cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a towel). You can also alternate the cold applications with the warm ones. Warm baths can help you relax, reducing the pressure experienced in the anal area. However, you should avoid baths that are too hot, as these can aggravate the problem. It is possible to improve the symptoms by applying local treatments (cream, ointment or suppository).
In order to reduce the pressure on the rectal veins, you will have to avoid the periods of prolonged sitting and try out bed rest instead. If you are pregnant, you may consider lying down on your side, so as to relieve the pressure experienced in the anal area. It is possible to reduce the pressure in the area by sleeping on your stomach (make sure that you place a pillow under the hips). If you do have to sit for prolonged periods of time, make sure that you do that on a soft pillow (this will reduce the associated discomfort or pain). Avoid carrying or lifting heavy objects, as these can aggravate the existent symptoms. You might also want to avoid wearing clothes or underwear that is too tight, for the same purpose as above. It is recommended that the underwear that you wear is made of cotton, as this guarantees the highest level of comfort. It also prevents the excessive buildup of moisture, which can represent an aggravating factor for the hemorrhoids (irritating effect).